I know what it’s like to feel uncomfortable in the body you live in and feel bat sh** crazy because all you can think about is food. To suffer from multiple eating disorders and endure trauma and an abusive relationship. To believe that if I could just hit that size and achieve that look, I’d finally feel good about myself and find the freedom I craved.
to lead you with education you can apply to your life right now, and if I can’t, I’ll lead you to a professional who can.
to provide an inclusive, safe, and empowering place for you to grow, be yourself, and learn how to live with more ease.
to cut the bullshit from the fitness industry and share what I’m learning so you can finally get the truth.
a. Mac and cheese
b. Fries
c. Salad
d. Pizza
Type A
Type B
a. Spring
b. Fall
c. Neutral
d. Bold
a. Europe
b. China
c. South America
d. India
a. Kite surfing
b. Painting
c. Interior design
d. Knitting
Mik Zazon, a health and fitness coach from Columbus, Ohio, says she suffered from three separate eating disorders before experiencing a wake-up call. As part of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, Zazon joins TODAY to share her story and help others.