Great news – winter is finally melting away! The days are getting longer, the sun is shining, and spring is right around the corner. I don’t know about you, but the first day the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and the weather warms up, I want to clean everything. Does anyone else feel that way? Maybe it’s due to the fact that everything has been gray and gloomy over the winter months. That first day of nice weather makes me want to have a space inside my home that feels beautiful & clean.
In the spirit of spring cleaning and brightening up your space. I thought I would share my essentials when refreshing my home for spring. These four ideas are simple and can easily be implemented into everyday life.

Deep Clean
The first palace to start with a spring refresh is a good deep clean! I’m not talking about your quick every, day clean. I mean the kind of clean your Mom always insisted on when your family came over for the holidays. That wake up before the sun rises, clean the baseboards and every nook and cranny kind of clean.
I know the thought of cleaning every possible square inch of your home can feel silly at times. But it makes a huge difference in the feel of your space. The air feels cleaner, everything smells fresh, and you have a great start to a new season.
For friends with dogs that like to track in mud over the next few months – this Swiffer is a lifesaver, especially when used with wet cloths.
De-Clutter your life! Out with the old!
For me, spring cleaning means re-organizing and getting rid of clutter. Last January, I had Columbus Neat come out and help me re-organize my home! Let me tell you, this team is amazing! To see their great work, check out my reel. I never thought something so simple could completely transform my life and calm my anxiety, but it did!
Now, I know not everyone can have professionals come and help them get their life together. But, luckily home organization has become a huge movement on social media. I can get lost for hours in TikTok videos of people sharing cleaning and organizing tips. They’re just so satisfying. My favorite organization girlies on TikTok are @kaelimaee & @_catben_.
So if you want to get organized but don’t know where to start, check out social media for some great examples. You can also check out the Home Edit blog for great organizing examples, room by room. If you’re looking for simple, easy-to-use organization products, Amazon has everything you’ll need!

Fresh Floral Arrangements
My favorite thing about spring by far are the flowers! After a gloomy winter, I love brightening up my space with a vase of fresh flowers. Plus, I think we all have the saying “April showers bring May flowers” stuck in our heads from when we were kids.
Regardless, it’s a simple way to make any space feel fresh and beautiful. Flowers bring a bright pop of color into your home while also moving a piece of the outdoors inside.
Trader Joe’s always has a great selection of flowers. You can even mix and match to make your own bouquets! Tulips are a personal spring favorite.
Brighten up your space!
Does anyone else associate different seasons with different colors? I love the vibrant colors spring brings with it – green, lavender, turquoise, pink.. the list is endless. A great way to refresh your home for spring is by adding pops of color throughout your home. Like a bright turquoise bowl of fruit on your kitchen counter or a lavender throw blanket on your bed.
Brightening your space for spring doesn’t mean you have to get rid of decor you already love, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. You could even get a few “spring” specific items like these on Amazon. No matter how you choose to brighten your space, whether by decor items or even a fresh coat of paint on an accent wall, a bright, airy space is an instant mood booster.
Hint – you can easily work this idea into your wardrobe for a quick and simple refresh as well!
I hope these spring refresh tips help you welcome the newest season with ease! I’d love to hear your favorite spring home refresh tips below!