Why the Entrepreneurship Stereotype Needs to Change

Mar 15, 2021

written with love on

en·tre·pre·neur: a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses 

As more and more business is being conducted online, people are finding new ways to become entrepreneurs. Myself included. 

Before my social media following took off a few years ago, I was in college trying to establish myself as a young professional. What I didn’t know at the time is that entrepreneurship comes in many different forms. 

For me, I’m lucky enough to have had a platform (like Instagram) to launch many of my businesses including HIIT30, the Rose Events, and Commen. I never thought I would be a business owner, let alone an “influencer”. However, that’s the reality of my career, and I’m thankful every day that this is where I landed. 

When I started my businesses, there was admittedly, so much I didn’t know. I was lucky to have a great support system and connections in various industries. I hope that my story as an entrepreneur inspires someone out there to continue pursuing their idea, product, or service. 

Common Myths About Entrepreneurship

1. All entrepreneurs are white men 

This. This is the most common stereotype I hear when I talk about my journey as an entrepreneur. There are so many talented women entrepreneurs and I encourage you to learn more about them and their respective businesses. 

Regardless of your gender (or race), all of us are capable of having a great idea and working hard to make it a reality. Remember you are powerful, strong, smart, and above all else, capable. 

2. It’s all fun and games 

Many people question how hard I work because a majority of my job relies on social media. There is a common misconception within entrepreneurship that you don’t have to work often because you create your own hours. While entrepreneurship does come with more flexibility than a traditional 9a-5p office gig, the truth is, we often work extremely long and hard hours. Entrepreneurs are working a lotttttt, you might just not see everything that is happening during development, production, and execution.

3. You have to have a strong personality

When you think of an entrepreneur, do you think of someone loud, outgoing, and not afraid to speak their mind? That’s what I always thought. How would I get an idea in front of someone or pitch my business idea if I’m introverted? Truth is,  an entrepreneur can be any personality type you just need to believe in yourself and your business idea. 

4. It’s a solo journey 

Many entrepreneurs go into it thinking you have to do everything by yourself. As my following grew and I learned how to build a business, I became stressed and caught myself feeling burnt out and discouraged due to the number of hours I put into my brand. After years of feeling tired and worn out, I assembled a team of diverse professionals who are willing to support me, my brands, and my mission to normalize normal bodies. 

I hope that this blog helps people understand that entrepreneurship is a career option for anyone — and there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the profession. 

Mik Zazon Logo Signature


Writer, speaker, and creator on a mission is to normalize normal bodies and help women like you feel at home in your own skin.

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