* This blog is in partnership with Nike
A few years ago, I dropped everything in my life to travel to India and hike the Himalayan Mountains for just shy of 6 months.
Not knowing what I was getting myself into, I packed my bag with just my essentials; Soap, hiking pants, hiking boots, water bottle, a tent, cooking supplies, leggings, and a sleeping bag.
Nothing but me, myself, and an 80 lb backpack that was about to adventure a part of the world most people don’t get to see.
I expected to get out of my comfort zone, sure. But 30 days into my trip, I sit in the middle of an Ashram in silence as a man is teaching me how to breathe to reduce my chronic anxiety. I was there for a week as this kind man guided me to control every breath I took. It was there that I became a certified yoga instructor, but the moment that I truly understood what yoga meant to me was a year after I had returned back from my time living abroad.
I was in my room and my heart started pounding, my breathing became frantic, I felt light headed, and my hands started to shake. I was experiencing the worst anxiety attacks of my life. For some reason, the man in the ashram began to speak to me in my head, coaching me through the breathing patterns we had practiced.
Within 2 minutes, I had my breathing under control.
So, what does yoga mean to me?
I used to think it was just another form of exercise, which it can be.
But it’s so much more than going to your local yoga class.To me it’s finding my inner peace and feeling connected to myself in a way our society can’t offer us.
It’s breathing.
It’s connecting to your body.
It’s moving your body out of love.
It’s celebrating the body and what it does for you on a daily basis.
It’s feeling gratitude for the earth.
I focus my practice stretching and breathing because my body tends to hold stress and anxiety in my muscles and joints.
In order for me to feel fully present in my body I can’t be focused on yoga tights falling down, and bras making my chest feel constricted. I need it to feel like a second skin so that my entire focus is to connect with my body.
My go-to yoga outfit lately is Nike’s Yoga Luxe ⅞ tights and Light-Support 1-Piece Pad Sports Bra and I don’t plan on changing that any time soon. In fact, I hate washing my yoga outfit (currently wearing them and need to wash them) because that means I have to spend 2 hours not being in them hahaha!
I shared my first impression of Nike’s yoga tights and sports bra to my instagram stories, and the best way to explain it is that I was in utter shock and awe of how comfortable they felt on my body. They molded to my rolls even as I sit and stand, move, and bend.
Here are some of the amazing qualities that stick out to me!
Nike’s Yoga Luxe ⅞ Tights:
- No camel toe
- Squat proof
- True to size (I wear a medium)
- Sweat wicking (they don’t show my crotch sweat which is saying something, because I sweat a lot)
- Minimal seam lines reduce distractions
- There is a pocket in the waistband to hold keys, or anything small you don’t want to carry

Nike Light-Support 1-Piece Pad Sports Bra:
- Soft
- Just enough support to feel comfy during light impact workouts
- The padding doesn’t show my nips
- I can wear it for lifestyle outfits too
BRB, going to purchase some more of these leggings and sports bras so I never have to go a day without them again!
If you want to purchase the yoga tights, click here
If you want to purchase the yoga bra, click here